
Macbook Pro

Screen backlight not working.

1.07 ETH

MacBook Pro 13"

2015, 16Gb DDR3, 512 SSD, Батарея…

0.28 ETH

Google Pixel 4a

Smartphone Unboxed, 128gb

Because volatility

The crypto market is always moving. Up and down.

There are always people who got a coin cheaper than it values now. And there are people who want to get coins now as they can value a lot more in the future in exchange for goods they are willing to sell. Let’s make these two meet here. Spread the word.

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The Future

We believe that there’s no future without crypto, so we embrace it.

New Paradigm

Because of permanent price changes, we see nothing but oportunities.


Why spend cash to get crypto? Better sell old things you don’t need anymore.