Hello world! I’m cryptom :)


The idea was to create a platform on which people from all around the world could publish their ads with goods / services that they are looking to exchange for crypto. We classified ads by categories and each ad has the possibility to relate to a location (country, city) or it may be available worldwide (online services for example).

At the top of the website you can set the currency you are most familiar with and all the ad prices will be displayed in that currency, but also will show the original price ad currency.

Members publish ads and all the further discussions take place between them via Telegram.

The platform doesn’t act as an intermediate, nor takes any commissions from transactions. It’s just a classified ads website.

It’s built on sheer enthusiasm with “keep it as simple as possible” principle in mind. Let’s see where this all goes.

In case you have any suggestions which will improve the website (maybe need more tokens in the list, or something else) – please write us an email at cryptomrocks@gmail.com